Sunday, August 18, 2013

Show Report: Drones + Physical Security

Drones are all over the press, both good and bad, for their use around the world. Given their surveillance abilities, it would seem a natural fit for physical security. However, so far, this is not happening.

via Pocket

Friday, August 9, 2013

QuickCast Is a Simple Way to Make and Publish Short Screencasts

Mac: At some point in your life, you're probably going to need to record your screen to share with someone. It might be just once, and it might not need to be too complicated of a process. If that sounds like you, QuickCast is a fantastic little app that makes screen recording easy.

via Pocket

Bake Easy Homemade Dog Treats with Flour and Baby Food

Dog treats can get expensive, but you can create your own on the cheap with a very simple recipe that only requires two ingredients: flour and pureed baby food. The folks over at Curbly came up with this money-saver. They say you only need the follow:

via Pocket

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Your Xerox copier could be replacing numbers in your documents

Copy machines have a relatively simple, single task so it's generally accepted that they'll function without issue and maintain 100 percent accuracy. Unfortunately, some owners of select Xerox products are experiencing a problem that goes against both of those expectations.

via Pocket